Thursday, March 13, 2008


I have had a much better day or two since posting last, and just now got off the phone with a man who called me after seeing my resume... Yay!

I don't have a job yet or anything, but am just excited about the possibilities. He sounded like a very nice man and it could be the thing I am looking for! But I will have to wait and see.

I have been reading email from monster and careerbuilder with job listings every day, and replying to those ads that may seem like a fit, but sometimes it seems like those e-applications just disappear into a big black cyber-hole... It is encouraging to get a call!

The one other time a guy called me after seeing my resume I had emailed, I got the job. The trouble was just that the job was still in the homebuilding industry and didn't hold up to today's market, so I worked for just a few months and then became unemployed again.

This time the job is not related to construction but to repairs, which still happen even in bad homebuilding times. I was hoping for my career to take this path. Blogging for a living would be better still, but not realistic especially short term.

Hey how about some pictures I took yesterday while bike riding along the American River Parkway!

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